Lowe's Companies Inc
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ConsumerValuation Multiples: Comparing Home Depot, Lowe’s, and Peers
Valuation multiples help investors determine market values for comparable companies. For our analysis, we consider forward PE (price-to-earnings) multiples due to high visibility in Home Depot (HD) and Lowe’s Companies’ (LOW) earnings. ConsumerEfficient Scale Offers a Narrow Moat
Across the five moat sources (network effect, intangible assets, cost advantage, switching costs, and efficient scale), efficient scale is the most likely to drive a “narrow moat” rating from Morningstar. ConsumerHome Depot’s Same-Store Sales Growth Was Higher than Lowe’s
Home Depot (HD) posted SSSG of 6.3%, while its US stores posted SSSG of 6.6%. Its stores in Mexico and Canada also posted positive SSSG. Real InsightsLowe’s: Great Business Built on Logistics Strength
Lowe’s Companies (LOW) operates 2,129 home improvement and hardware stores in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Earnings ReportHow Does Cabela’s Compare to Its Peers?
Cabela’s peers have outperformed the company based on PBV. However, Cabela’s has outperformed its peers based on PE and PS. Company & Industry OverviewsHow This Emerson Sales Strategy Is Reeling in Big Box Retailers
Emerson Electric’s (EMR) omnichannel sales strategy is a multichannel approach that provides an integrated shopping experience. ConsumerHow Does Cabela’s Compare to Its Peers after 2Q16 Earnings?
Cabela’s (CAB) has been outperformed by its peers based on PBV (price-to-book value) ratio. However, Cabela’s has mostly outperformed its peers based on PE (price-to-earnings) and price-to-sales ratios. Company & Industry OverviewsWhat Are Lowe’s Opportunities and Key Threats?
The greatest opportunity for Lowe’s (LOW) perhaps lies in fully leveraging the omni-channel (XLY) model. Company & Industry OverviewsWhat Are Lowe’s Strengths and Weaknesses?
Lowe’s (LOW) is one of the largest and oldest big box retailers around. It’s been publicly listed since 1961. Earnings ReportWhy Same-Store Sales Surged for Home Depot and Lowe’s
Home Depot’s same-store sales grew 5.1% overall, marking the 18th straight quarter of positive comps for the retailer. Company & Industry OverviewsHome Depot Stock Outperforms Peer Group
Home Depot’s (HD) stock has performed well over the past five years. In fact, it’s been the best-performing stock in its peer group. Company & Industry OverviewsHome Depot Profits from Sound Supply Chain Management
Home Depot’s (HD) supply chain is getting more productive, resulting in better gross margins. Each store stocks about 30,000 to 40,000 different products. Company & Industry OverviewsMarketing at Home Depot Designed for Customer Base
Marketing initiatives at Home Depot include Pro Xtra. This program exclusively targets professional customers. Company & Industry OverviewsHome Depot’s Target Market and Customer Base
Home Depot invests considerable sums in providing a superior customer experience. Its co-founders say “the customer has a bill of rights at The Home Depot.” Company & Industry OverviewsHome Depot’s Product Portfolio and Supplier Relationships
Kitchen and garden products are the best-grossing product categories. These accounted for nearly 27% of revenues in fiscal 2014. Company & Industry OverviewsHome Improvement Retail: A Two-Horse Race for Supremacy
The home improvement industry is highly concentrated, particularly in the consumer market. The degree of concentration is growing. Company & Industry OverviewsHome Depot (HD): Built of Strong Stuff
Fiscal 2015 was a record year for Home Depot. The stock has returned over 47% over the past year and over 10% year-to-date.