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'Family Feud' host Steve Harvey stunned after contestant comes up with bizarre 'nekkid' answer

The answer is one of the most absurd things that a contestant has said on the popular game show.
Screenshots showing the contestant and Steve Harvey. (Cover image source: Instagram | Family Feud)
Screenshots showing the contestant and Steve Harvey. (Cover image source: Instagram | Family Feud)

Absurd and sometimes hilarious answers from “Family Feud” contestants are not uncommon and they keep the show entertaining apart from the games. Over the years, host Steve Harvey has not only become used to such answers but he also goes viral for his reactions and witty comments on them. Despite all these years hosting the show, even Harvey is sometimes caught off guard by bizarre responses. He was recently stunned when a contestant named Arvell revealed that she thought a synonym was just the same word spelled and pronounced differently.

“Give me a word or phrase that means naked,” Harvey asked. Arvell probably could not think of anything and so he said, “Uh, can I say Nekkid?” As the host stood there speechless, the contestant went ahead and spelled out N-E-K-K-I-D and added a ‘bing’ to suggest that the answer was correct. Unfortunately for him, the host was simply not going to let it pass. “You can’t possibly be trying to pull that off on national TV,” he said.

Screenshots showing Arvell and Steve Harvey arguing. (Image credit: Instagram | Family Feud)
Screenshots showing Arvell and Steve Harvey arguing. (Image source: Instagram | Family Feud)

“Two of these people are teachers in the family,” Harvey exclaimed before slamming his cards on the table in front. But Arvell had a defense prepared for himself, even though it didn’t mean all that much. “I bet you said nekkid in one of your comedy routines,” he said. “You on Family Feud, this ain’t a comedy routine,” the host answered as the studio burst into laughter. The clip was uploaded to Instagram and fans acknowledged how hilarious the whole segment was. “That man I would zip my mouth and run,” one user called @5ft_of_rage commented. “The way the cards smacked the table like they were playing spades,” quipped another user named @sierramignon as per Monsters & Critics. After all that, Arvell probably won’t be trying anything that stupid the next time he’s on a popular game show.

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Some answers on “Family Feud” are so ridiculous that it makes you wonder whether the contestants actually want to win the game or are just there to make themselves a viral sensation on the internet. These kinds of answers usually have Harvey completely speechless with a blank look on his face. One such answer was heard during an earlier episode of the show from a contestant named Will. As usual, Harvey was asking survey questions to the contestants and this time, it was, “Name something that follows the word pork.” There were a few answers already on the board that made sense like pork loin and pork chops to name a couple. However, will astonished everyone when he confidently answered, “Upine.”


The host could not believe what he had just heard and had to ask the contestant again. Will then gave an explanation that was even more absurd, saying, “Upine…porcupine.” Harvey could not control his laughter anymore. “What? What is cupine?” he said, laughing hysterically. “That is the greatest answer I have ever heard,” he added.

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