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'Price is Right' contestant rolls on floor after ‘uncle’ Drew Carey reveals car prize she didn't even win

The enthusiasm of contestants is seen both during games as well as celebrations that follow.
The contestant Amylah with host Drew Carey on "The Price is Right" (Cover image source: Instagram | Amylah)
The contestant Amylah with host Drew Carey on "The Price is Right" (Cover image source: Instagram | Amylah)

The energetic environment on the sets of “The Price is Right” makes it entertaining, but sometimes it can get too much when contestants go overboard while playing games or celebrating. These moments may have serious consequences for the contestants but have become memorable for the audience. One such incident took place during an episode of the show in 2024 when a contestant was literally rolling on the floor with excitement after she found out about one of the prizes that she would be playing for.

The name of the contestant was Amylah, a student who had made it onto the stage after winning Showcase. She had bid $1200 for a chair that was priced at $1400 as per The Express. When she took her place beside Drew Carey, Amylah jokingly called him, “Uncle Drew.” “It’s a long story,” the veteran host responded. “We don't have time to get into it.”

Amiyah with Drew Carey on
Amylah with Drew Carey on "The Price is Right" (Image source: Instagram | Amylah)

It was then time for long-time announcer George Gray to reveal the prize she was playing for. “Cousin George wants you to have a brand new car,” he said before unveiling a brand-new Nissan Altima. Amylah was in shock when she saw what she was playing for and in her excitement, got down on her back and rolled on the floor for a little while. Unfortunately, she was not able to win the automobile.

Screenshot showing Amiyah on the floor after seeing the brand-new Nissan Altima. (Image credit: CBS | The Price is Right)
Screenshot showing Amiyah on the floor after seeing the brand-new Nissan Altima. (Image source: Instagram | Amylah)

“Dear Nissan, I had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to win a Nissan Altima S on The Price is Right. As a college student and small business owner who attends school away from home, I saw the possibilities and new beginnings I could explore when the car was revealed. I Unfortunately did not win the car but I remain optimistic about what the future holds! Sincerely, Amylah Charles,” the young contestant wrote in an Instagram post later.

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While rolling on the floor is an unusual way to show one’s excitement, it’s certainly better than inflicting physical harm on yourself. That happened to a contestant who won a trip to Hawaii and in his enthusiasm to celebrate, dislocated his shoulder. The player’s name was Henry and before he could get on that flight, he had to visit the Emergency Room.

Henry was playing the game Bonkers in which he had to place discs on a board while trying to correctly guess the price of the Hawaii trip package. When he was successful, his adrenaline level reached an all-time high and he started punching up in the air. His enthusiasm ultimately caused him severe pain, and his wife had to take his place to spin the wheel for a chance to be on Showcase Showdown.


“Let me explain what happened, this is Alice, Henry’s wife. How are you doing? Henry was celebrating and going ‘Woo’ and he dislocated his shoulder," Carey clarified for the viewers at home who might not have been sure what was going on. It was one of the most shocking moments in the show’s long history. Dislocating a shoulder is serious business and everyone hoped Henry to get better in time for his vacation.

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