Drew Carey has a 'senior moment' while explaining 'Price is Right' game — then the player stepped in

Drew Carey has successfully established himself as the face of "The Price is Right" by successfully stepping into the shoes of popular host Bob Barker. But keeping up with the spread of classic games as well as new ones introduced on the show can be tough even for the seasoned host. In a recent episode, Carey needed some rescuing after going blank on the stage.

In the episode, the contestant named Christian shared the stage with Carey after winning the Contestant's Row. He was up to play the popular game, "Bulls Eye" with a chance of winning a trip for two to the Berkshires.

In the game, the centerpiece is a game board that contains an Archery-style target with rings ranging from $2 to $12. The contestant is presented with five grocery items, and they need to pick one item and decide how many of those will total a price between $10 to $12 or the "bull's eye range".
For instance, a player may choose a can of beans and say three of them would fall in the price range. If they are correct, they hit the bullseye, and if the total falls out of the $10-$12 range, they miss out. The player gets three chances to hit the bull's eye and win the trip. While long-time fans know the rules of the game well, Carey seemed to have forgotten them in the recent episode. As he introduced the game to Christian, the host completely went blank and couldn't even remember the name of the game.
The player came to his rescue and said, "We're playing Bull's Eye," and Carey looked totally stumped as he leaned against the game board. "Sorry, I was just going through the rules in my head," Carey said.

The host then made a difficult recovery saying, "Welcome to The Price Is Right, everybody!" before he went on to flawlessly explain the rules of the game to Christian. The contestant picked a bottle of 'vitamin water' as his first grocery item and guessed six of them would be needed to hit the bullseye.

However, the total was over $12, thus, Christian needed to pick again. For his second item, he picked a cup of 'yogurt' and guessed four of them would be needed to hit the bullseye. Carey suffered another brain fog moment here as he took a moment to register the player's guess. Nevertheless, Christian's second answer turned out to be correct, and he won a trip for himself and his mom to the Berkshires. However, the fun wasn't over yet.

In the end, Carey made another funny reference pretending he forgot the name of the next segment of the show as well. "We will be back to.. um...spin the thing," he joked.
Fans kept the fun going in the comments section of the show's YouTube clip. "Drew had a senior moment of sorts and still everybody got a good laugh out of it," @LeotheTiger1234 commented.