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'Family Feud' host Steve Harvey smacks contestant after revealing his expensive gift for his wife

Harvey couldn't hold back after the man's wife confirmed that he buys diamonds every year.
Screenshot showing Steve Harvey and the contestants on Family Feud (Cover image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
Screenshot showing Steve Harvey and the contestants on Family Feud (Cover image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

Steve Harvey is known for his light-hearted moments with contestants on 'Family Feud,' as well as his appreciation for those who he finds relatable. Most players get roasted on the show, but there are some who even get smacked by the "Original King of Comedy." One of them was an elderly man called Don, who Harvey felt was putting too much pressure on husbands by gifting diamonds to his wife. 

Screenshot showing Harvey alongside Don (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
Screenshot showing Harvey alongside Don (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

In the clip shared by the show on YouTube, Don's family was set to take on the 'Fast Money' round. The team nominated Michell and her father Don to play the game. With the goal of getting 200 points in total, Michell crushed the questions one by one and Harvey could only roast her for one response. When Harvey asked, “Name the same old gift husbands to buy their wives year after year,” the contestant said, "Flowers." When the two were looking to see how many points her answer fetched, Harvey mocked her answer a few times. 

Screenshot showing Harvey mocking Michell's answer (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
Screenshot showing Harvey mocking Michell's answer (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

"You so sick of this. You said, 'Here come some more damn flowers. Can't you think of nothing else?'" Harvey said. The answer turned out to be relatable for the audience and it fetched a whopping 36 points alone. In the end, Michell managed to get an impressive 174 points leaving Don with the task of getting an easy 26 points. "This girl, she came here to win some money," Harvey said after calling Don to the stage. 

Much like his daughter, nearly all but one of Don's responses were fine, and even he raised eyebrows while answering the very same question that his daughter was roasted for. While his daughter answered with Flowers, Don went a step further to say "Diamonds." When the time came to see how many points the response got, Don needed 10 points to win. However, the response didn't sit well with Harvey as he looked at the player with utter shock.

Screenshot showing Harvey's shock (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
Screenshot showing Harvey's shock (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

Before he could say something, one of Don's daughters confirmed that he does buy his wife diamonds every year. “She’s very spoiled,” a family member added. This prompted Harvey to ask, “Every year?” as he looked at Don's wife. She nodded in agreement saying "Yes, usually," and left the host bewildered as he turned to the audience to apologize.

Screenshot showing Harvey talking to the audience (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
Screenshot showing Harvey talking to the audience (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

“Sorry, fellas, Ooh, that’s a whole ‘nother level of pressure right there," Harvey said. He then turned to the cameras and went on to humble Don a bit. “This damn Don in here buying diamonds every damn year?!” he said before smacking Don in the arm with his cue cards. “You need to sit your a** down somewhere!” Harvey said to him.

Screenshot showing Harvey smacking Don in the arm (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
Screenshot showing Harvey smacking Don in the arm (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

While the answer was surprising to the host, not all participants of the survey agreed. It turned out that 16 other people also thought of the same answer, handing Don's team the bonus win.


With a total of 206 points, they won the $20,000 grand prize, which may or may not go toward buying more diamonds.

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