'Family Feud' host Steve Harvey hits contestant on shoulder for his ridiculous answer about women

Apart from its hilarious and often bizarre survey questions, "Family Feud" is known for its host, Steve Harvey‘s deadpan humor and reactions. One of the kings of comedy, Harvey has admitted that the show is "tailor-made" for what he does. Thus, it's safe to say that there is no one better than Harvey to handle the awkward moments on the show. However, sometimes, things get out of hand, even for him. In one instance, Harvey lost control and snapped at a contestant over a stupid answer.

In the clip from the episode, Harvey asked the survey question, "We asked one hundred women [to] name a reason you might turn down a date with a gorgeous guy." The question was up for a family that chose to play it after winning the buzzer round. The clip skipped to the contestant named Sam, who had a rather interesting answer to share.
"She's on her cycle," Sam said out loud in response to the question. The studio audience broke into laughter as his teammates cheered him on. One of the women on the team agreed that it was a good answer.

However, the host was not so impressed with Sam. As everyone cheered and clapped, the comedian looked distraught. Looking at the reaction, the contestant tried to back himself as he said, "That's a good reason."
Harvey stared at the player with a disappointed look saying, "Sam, it's a simple question. Name a reason you might turn down a date with a gorgeous guy. They're just going to eat," he said. When the contestant insisted that his answer was good enough, Harvey angrily slapped him on the shoulder and yelled, "People eat on their cycles every day!"

The contestant still wasn't backing down. "What if it's the first date?" asked the player to which Harvey, screamed, "I don't care if it's the first date!" The contestant didn't relent as he reasoned, "Let's say they're going to the pool."
The host then pointed at the family member of the player, who also appeared to be in disbelief, and asked, "Do you see how she's looking at you?"
Harvey then pointed at the board to see if Sam's answer resonated with the survey. Unsurprisingly for him, the answer did not feature on the board as it showed a big red X. While Harvey thought Sam's answer was stupid and amounted to nothing, viewers, especially women in the comment section of the TikTok clip begged to differ. "He right though if we feel cramps or extra bloated I ain't going," @marie881106 commented.

"Nah we might cancel. Sometimes we just don't feel like going out during that time," @malicioussoftware added.
There were also some who took sides with Harvey as well. "you can do A LOT of other things WHILE being on your cycle," @firechick367 suggested.

"Actual reason, he's arrogant & ignorant & thinks I'm turning him down bc I'm on my cycle 😂" @juliehorton0 added. Meanwhile, many believed that the slap stole the show and not the answer. "The way he smacked him😂😂😂," @mammabug051601 joked.
@familyfeud Gorgeous guy got turned down because of _____. 🤔🔁🤨 #SteveHarvey: “I don’t care if it’s the first date!” #FamilyFeud ♬ DENIED - Family Feud
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