Steve Harvey loses it after hearing 'Family Feud' player's brutal answer on 'angry' wife

Although Steve Harvey might turn awkward situations following weird and X-rated answers on "Family Feud" into hilarious incidents with his expressions and witty takes, they can still be risky for contestants. There have been instances when players said things that might land them in trouble with spouses or embarrass other family members. Something along those lines happened when a weird 'angry wife' question threatened to end relationships.

In the episode, Steve Harvey was playing the game with the Williams and the Sanfilippo families. He called up Edward and Katherine from the respective teams for a face-off. However, the survey question was a rather weird one. "We asked 100 married men. Name an animal your wife looks like when she gives you her mean face," Harvey read out.
Edward was the first to hit the buzzer and he answered with "A bear". The answer didn't show up on the board and Katherine took the opportunity to say, "A dog," which made the host a little uncomfortable. The Sanfilippos chose to play the question but Harvey was worried. "Fellas, listen to me. Don't let this game wreck your marriage. Sometimes, you just gotta take an X," Harvey warned all the men on the team. The turn then went to Suzanne, who came up with a brilliant answer, "A tiger," to earn the first points. The turn then went to Dustin who took the unsafe option and said, "A boar. Steve. I'm sorry." Harvey was shocked to hear the unpleasant answer and he scolded the player.

The turn then went to the next player who answered with "A Lioness." "You know that's a nice answer. A lioness. Old dumbass down there. A wild boar, a hog, coming through the woods," Harvey said mockingly. The turn then went to another woman on the team, Stacey. She came up with a rather creative answer, "A hissing snake". Harvey didn't react much to it as she didn't have a wife to upset. The turn went to Katherine who answered with "A Gorilla". As the turn went to Suzanne, Harvey had only one request to make. "Please, listen to me. Listen to me. I have no skin in this game. If you could please just give me any one of these answers so I can hear what he says next," he asked Suzanne referring to Dustin who was next in line.

His wish came true as Suzanne successfully managed to get an answer on the board after two strikes. The turn then went to Dustin and Harvey couldn't wait to hear what he had to say. " Won't he do it? Won't he do it? Hey, hey hey!" the host exclaimed.
However, Dustin said, "She's mad as a bull." Harvey didn't roast him much as the answer showed up on the board. He respectfully walked back to the first member who unfortunately got the third strike for the team.
The turn then went to the Williams family who had a chance of stealing all the points. Mustering up the courage, the team's leader answered, "A Coyote". However, the answer did not show up on the board and Harvey revealed that the only remaining answer was a "Barracuda."