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'Price is Right' viewers spot audience member casually using a 'banned' item: "Someone snuck a..."

Viewers on Reddit argued that the audience member should not be allowed to use that item in the studio.
Screenshot showing Drew Carey on The Price Is Right (Cover image source: YouTube/The Price Is Right)
Screenshot showing Drew Carey on The Price Is Right (Cover image source: YouTube/The Price Is Right)

"The Price is Right" has been one of the most popular game shows on American TV for decades, because even audience members have a shot to win prizes. When it comes to contestants, the host Drew Carey has even admitted that it's common for people to turn up drunk or high on sets. But getting a chance to be in the studio is a big deal, and audiences are expected to comply with a lot of stringent rules. However, recently fans found out that some of those rules are being bent, and they were furious.

Screenshot showing Drew Carey explaining a game to a contestant
Screenshot showing Drew Carey explaining a game to a contestant (Image source: YouTube/The Price Is Right)

Fans of the CBS game show expressed outrage on social media after spotting a member of the audience, blatantly breaking an important rule of the show. Taking to Reddit, viewers shared an image that seemingly shows a man in the audience holding out a small device in his hands.

According to the Express US, the incident occurred in a recent episode when announcer George Gray was calling a contestant to the front. Before the rule breaker was spotted, the excited player rushed to the stage, celebrating the selection. The cameras then cut to the studio audience who were applauding and cheering on the player. It was at this moment, a man wearing a button-down shirt was seen holding a phone in his hands with the player standing behind him. The audience member was seated in the front, a spot that was difficult to get for most people.

Screenshot showing the audience member holding a device (Image source: Reddit/r/PriceIsRight)
Screenshot showing the audience member holding a device (Image source: Reddit/r/PriceIsRight)

According to the show's official website, “phones and other electronic devices are not allowed in the holding room or studio of The Price is Right.” Thus, the viewers were rightfully outraged to see someone break the rules. “Someone snuck a phone into the studio. Which is not allowed during tapings,"@sash0le wrote in the caption along with a screengrab from the show.

Fellow Redditors went on to speculate why and how could the producers have allowed it to happen. "That's the first time I've seen someone do that," @awoc123/ commented. Meanwhile, others speculated that it may not be a phone after all. "Is that even a phone? It's so small..." @Strange_Chemical5762/ suggested.  "Hard to tell in the picture but as a T1 diabetic, I have an insulin pump, and other diabetics have small devices like that for taking insulin. So maybe it’s something like that?" @JessFed added

byu/sash0le from discussion


Some came up with a possible explanation as well, suggesting that VVIP members are allowed to take their phones inside. "VIP or guest of the production crew. Not an eligible contestant. Probably shouldn’t have their phone out on camera, though," @mb10240 explained

byu/sash0le from discussion


It was a shock for most of the other Redditors who didn't know that the show's rules could be bent for celebrities and important people. Apart from the no cell phones and smartwatches, rule, the selected audience members are required to follow several other rules. The on-camera audience must carry a photo ID to enter the studio and they also need to get through an interview before getting a chance.

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