'Family Feud' host Steve Harvey was in disbelief by his wife's 'pool boy' answer: "He looked so..."

Steve Harvey is known for making tongue-in-cheek comments and for roasting "Family Feud" contestants for stupid answers. But he gets especially triggered when things get personal through questions meant to generate laughs at his expense. When Harvey's wife, Marjorie, made an appearance on 'Celebrity Family Feud,' the makers took full advantage of the situation by featuring questions that prompted risky answers. Marjorie fell for one such question and revealed her desire to replace her husband with someone else.

In the special episode of "Celebrity Family Feud," the two teams, Harvey's Boys and Harvey's Girls, faced off against each other to play for the win. In the very first round, the drama peaked as the host called his mother-in-law, Dorris, and wife Marjorie from the two teams to face off at the podium. Harvey then read out the survey question, "Some days I'd be willing to trade my man for a really good what?" Marjorie was the first to hit the buzzer, and without thinking much, she answered, "Pool Boy."

The response shocked Harvey as he stared at his wife with a blank expression. "With what? What did you say?" he asked. Marjorie burst into laughter and explained that she was only joking, but Harvey kept asking her to repeat the answer as he aggressively turned the mic toward her. When Marjorie tried to grab Harvey's hand to apologize, he shook her off saying, "Get your damn hand off of me. Trade me in for no damn pool boy!"

To add to Harvey's misery, the answer showed up on the board at the fourth spot as "Young Stud". Recovering from the shock, Harvey begged Dorris to beat the answer with a better one. That's exactly what she did as her answer "A rich man" showed up at the second spot on the board. Thus, Harvey's Girls got to play the question, and they tried their best to earn the big points. While they got the top answer, they failed to get any more responses on the board, and the turn went to Harvey's Boys. Marjorie once again took the question, but this time, she picked a safer option. "A vacation", she said, which luckily showed up on the board, allowing the team to steal all the points.
While Harvey did not enjoy the initial response much, fans didn't miss a chance to joke at his expense. "Steve gonna fire his pool boy when he gets home," @Johndoe-cp9ff joked in the comments section on YouTube. "Steve's face when she said it...he looked so betrayed looooool," @kristenknight9985 pointed out.
The episode produced many such great moments before Harvey's Boys won the game and proceeded to the Bonus Round. In the finale, when Marjorie took the rapid-fire question, the couple seemed to have made up as they hugged each other while checking the answers for points.
In the end, Harvey's boys got close to winning the Bonus Round, with Marjorie winning 163 points alone. However, when Harvey's son, Broderick Jr., took the stage, he failed to win the remaining points, and the team lost out on bagging $25,000 for charity.