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'Price is Right' contestant asked to 'come on down' was in the restroom during her big TV moment

There are worse times to take a bathroom break but this was definitely one of the funniest moments.
The contestant and host Drew Carey on an episode of "The Price is Right" (Cover image source: X | The Price is Right)
The contestant and host Drew Carey on an episode of "The Price is Right" (Cover image source: X | The Price is Right)

“The Price is Right” is mostly about luck and some application of skill and knowledge to go with it. There are several instances when contestants lose out on big prizes purely because of bad luck. But while bad luck has struck people on stage during the games, there's one instance when it stopped a player from participating.

Tara Armstrong was one of the lucky ones who were asked to 'come on down' by the announcer, but she was in the washroom at the time, as per Today. The announcer called her name more than once but when no one from the audience got up and made their way to the stage, host Drew Carey had to inquire about the issue. When he learned where Armstrong was, he could not help but chuckle about the awkward situation. Thankfully, it didn’t take her too long to join the action.

Contestant Tara Armstrong making her way to the stage on
Contestant Tara Armstrong making her way to the stage on "The Price is Right" (Image credit: X | The Price is Right)

The whole audience was chanting her name when she came back and she immediately understood what was going on. Armstrong ran down the stairs and gave high-fives to almost everyone on her way down as she took her place on the stage. "Nice to see you. Thought you'd never get here. So glad you could make it,” Carey joked.

The clip has garnered more than 600 likes on X (formerly Twitter) and fans in the comments section seemed to have hygienic concerns. “ZERO POINT ZERO percent chance she washed her hands. Still high fives 30 people. Savage,” a user called Jimmy 2 Shoes commented. “I hope she washed her hands,” quipped another user called tee-dub. But everyone agreed that it made for a hilarious moment.


Toilet humor might not always be appreciated but sometimes it can be funny in certain moments. One such moment came during a 2007 episode of the show featuring a much younger Drew Carey as the host. A contestant named Marie guessed the price of a refrigerator unit correctly to earn her place on the show but it was what happened next that left fans in splits.

Marie was quite excited from the moment she stepped onto the stage. She even revealed that she might have cried from all the excitement. “Don’t cry yet, wait till you hear this,” Carey said as the announcer revealed that she would play Plinko for a chance to win $50,000. The contestant completely lost control at this point as her excitement got the best of her.


She screamed, “Oh my God” multiple times which already made the host burst into laughter, and then she said, “I gotta go potty” which drew another fit of laughter from Carey. It was undoubtedly one of the funniest and most chaotic moments in the show’s long history of bizarre incidents and comments. While she didn’t win the $50,000, Marie went back home with a lot of good memories and $20,000, which is still pretty great.

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