Mother of Four Shares Tips for Buying Christmas Gifts on a Budget via TikTok

Mom's gifting budget goes viral on TikTok
Christmas, the festival of gifts and love is almost here. Well, not just the little kids but everyone is pretty excited for Christmas all over the world and have different ways of spending it. Some like to bake cakes and prepare delicacies with their families while others like to be Secret Santas, surprising their loved ones with a whole bag of gifts.
On her TikTok handle 'Noturbasicmama' with her lovely 509.3K followers, Hannah shares the budget she decided for her kids, and how to stick to it while making memories. She revealed in her video that she decided to spend a budget of $504.90 on her children's gifts since she has four children. Therefore, $126.22 for each.

Unwrapping Christmas happiness
Hannah started her TikTok video by revealing the budget and then justifying the amount. She is a mother of four children; her youngest one is going to be eight years old. Hannah said that they do a lot of shopping for Christmas for their home decorations, Christmas tree, supper, and many other little things. Giving just an advent calendar and wrapping it with chocolate on top is just too simple and not exciting for children. Therefore, she has set a budget just to see wide smiles on all four children.

How did Hannah stay on budget amidst the Christmas cheer?
Sticking to the decided budget during Christmas is pretty tough, but Hannah started by suggesting that shopping last minute for Christmas is the worst way ever as you won't get many things and the good ones will always sell early. She suggested going for Vinted and eBay for her Christmas presents and further explained why.

Vinted has been listed as another online marketplace where customers can buy, sell, or exchange second-hand items mostly clothing and other accessories. She shared that Vinted has branded products with price tags and you get them at attractively lower rates. She shared last year's experience when she bought Nike Pro leggings and Nike Pro shorts from Vinted just for $12.62. She got them brand new with tags, plus they were from Nike which her daughter has been wanting for a long time. There are no major differences in purchasing from Vinted and an actual Nike store, it's just the hiked-up prices.
Another tip she shared was the Black Friday Sale and Thanksgiving Deals which offer people such great discounts on their favorite brands that the whole of New York City is out in the streets and malls shopping. These occasions come around 23 and 24th November and saving the money to purchase gifts during that sale is a pretty good strategy. She further added charity shops and car boot sales are another good source for gifting options like t-shirts, posters, stickers, diaries, mugs, etc.

At the end of her video, she shared the precious gifts she purchased applying the above hacks. Hannah got cute stationery, fun activity books, and Christmas Eve boxes that had 'letter writing to Santa' activities and other crazy elements that her children would love. Her video had mixed reactions but most of them were positive, and viewers were left with a money-saving hack and a reminder to start Christmas shopping for their loved ones.