'Price is Right' fans are all complaining about the same thing players keep doing with Drew Carey

Contestants on "The Price is Right" are naturally excited and they even go overboard as they hug and pick up the host Drew Carey. Although he doesn't mind them getting too close for comfort, sometimes, contestants even end up tackling him to the ground and almost hurting him for the sake of their joy. Carey has endured some rough treatment from excited winners, and now fans are worried about the well-being of the aging host. They took to Reddit to complain that while the show has some rules, it is not doing enough for Carey's safety.

Fans took to social media after noticing that some contestants nearly "mauled" the host after getting on the stage. On Reddit, a fan, @Tough_Arm_2454 asked, “Before the show tapes, do they announce to the audience, if you make it on stage, do NOT hug, maul, pick up, get rough with Drew? Some of these contestants are too rough. They could accidentally hurt Drew."
Turns out, the Redditor is right about the rough treatment that Carey has been enduring on the show. In one such instance, a contestant who won the bidding round ran over to the stage and enthusiastically hugged the host. She then ended up nearly knocking Carey over the stage as he fell on the decorative lights around the border.
Contestant nearly knocks Drew off stage! THAT WAS CLOSE! #PriceIsRight @DrewFromTV pic.twitter.com/DraomGNdvb
— The Price Is Right (@PriceIsRight) January 24, 2018
In another bizarre incident, a player got too excited and picked up Drew on his shoulders. The player named Christopher, at first seemed to lose control as he won the "Contestant's Row." He ran over to the stage, picked up Carey, spun him with quite some force and as he attempted to put the host down, he ended up dropping him flat on the floor.
To Carey's credit, he didn't get mad and lay on the ground smiling at the incident. Luckily Carey was not hurt as he got back up to carry on with the show. While Christopher the show's announcer George Gray did not let him go without a jab. "Christopher, do you promise not to pick him up if I say this?” he said before revealing the prize for the contestant. There was one more instance where a young man picked up Carey and spun him viciously after winning a game.

Thus, several fans chimed in on Reddit discussion to demand more from the show's producers. Answering the original user's question, one user @maryjomcd wrote, "Evidently they don't because some of the women are all over him. One almost pushed him over and the woman today was crawling all over him."
Many explained that Carey wasn't a young host anymore and he must be in pain after some of these incidents. "Yeah, Drew isn't exactly a spring chicken anymore. I realize contestants are pumped up, but please don't damage the host... or the models either," @4Brtndr1 wrote.
Meanwhile, some explained that while the show has some rules, they don't do enough to restrict the players."If I remember right from when I went to a taping, they do say not to do it in a pre-show video and they have a montage of people knocking Drew and the models over with hugs," @IntelligenceisKey729 claimed.