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Struggling musician playing at local pub stunned when Post Malone stepped in and helped him buy a house

The singer also got Malone's number but is only focusing on sharing his work with him for now.
Screenshot showing Greg Hunter Coleman and Post Malone (Image source: Instagram/@gregorhuntercoleman)
Screenshot showing Greg Hunter Coleman and Post Malone (Image source: Instagram/@gregorhuntercoleman)

The music industry is also a community of artists looking out for each other, be it Usher helping Justin Bieber land his first record deal or several famous country singers promoting Taylor Swift's first album. In a similar story, a Glasgow-based singer's life was transformed after American rapper Post Malone showed up at his gig. Singing at the Wunderbar in Glasgow, Gregor Hunter Coleman managed to impress the rapper with his talent and humility, and the interaction was followed by a significant donation toward's Coleman's house.

Screenshot showing Greg Hunter Coleman and Post Malone (Image source: Instagram/@gregorhuntercoleman)
Screenshot showing Greg Hunter Coleman and Post Malone (Image source: Instagram/@gregorhuntercoleman)

Gig of a Lifetime

Back in 2023, Post Malone was in the city performing at the Hydro during his Twelve Carat tour. The rapper showed up at the local bar in the city center where Coleman was performing his regular tracks. After the set, he was invited over to meet the "Rockstar" singer Malone. Speaking about his experience on Capital FM Scotland, Coleman shared that he barely managed to talk to the rapper as there was a crowd trying to get a picture with the award-winning artist. "He called me through so the security took me through, he shook my hand and gave me a hug and he was like 'that was amazing!'" Coleman added.


Coleman further shared that Malone offered him a drink but he turned the artist down. "I was like, listen, I'm saving for a house so I'm not drinking just now," Coleman told BBC Scotland. The rapper said he respected the decision after which they moved on to a more private bar. 


Coleman further shared that while talking, Malone asked if he would like to perform at his next event. "He then asked me how much I would charge to sing with him, and I was like, 'Well nothing because you're Post Malone!," Coleman told the publication. 

Life-Changing Choice

The local artist shared that when the two got talking the rapper further offered to help him with the downpayment for his house. The singer clarified that Malone did not buy him a house right away, but with his help, the deposit was covered. Following the life-changing interaction, Coleman shared a post on Instagram with the caption: "Never thought whilst heading out the door with my guitar on Friday night for my gig at @wunderbarglasgow that I'd meet @postmalone and have such a life-changing experience". 

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Malone also passed on his number to the singer, willing to listen to some of his original work. Coleman told Capital FM that he focuses on sharing his work while he still cherishes the meetup. "There's a pressure now that I need to get good songs done, I need to get something happening with it rather than just being, like, I met Post Malone and back to the pub," he said. He further hoped that Malone would stay interested and like his work.

This isn't the first time Malone has gone out of his way to help someone. Back in 2020, the singer shared that he wanted to donate $1 million to charities and asked his fans to help decide where the money would go. Fans had to text the names of charities that they think deserve support, to Posty’s Community phone number. Previously, Malone had raised over $4 million for The United Nations Foundation’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for the WHO.

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