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'Price is Right' host Drew Carey pretended to be Arnold Schwarzenegger and fans totally loved it

Turns out Drew Carey is quite the impressionist as he nailed the "get to the choppa" line.
Screenshot showing Drew Carey doing an Arnold Schwarzenegger impression on The Price Is Right (Cover image source: YouTube/Price Is Right/Triniswagg92 Beast Mode)
Screenshot showing Drew Carey doing an Arnold Schwarzenegger impression on The Price Is Right (Cover image source: YouTube/Price Is Right/Triniswagg92 Beast Mode)

The host of "The Price Is Right", Drew Carey is a man of many talents. From comedy to acting, he has aced it all and he keeps going further. Most recently, Carey showed off his mimicry skills on the show by turning into "Terminator" star, Arnold Schwarzenegger. The host, who was celebrating a contestant's win, came up with the new outro for the show, on the spot. 

Screenshot showing Drew Carey on the show
Screenshot showing Drew Carey on the show (Image source: YouTube/Price Is Right/Triniswagg92 Beast Mode)

In the episode, the contestant named Charles won the Contestant's Row to join Carey on the stage. As he celebrated the chance of getting on the stage, the show's announcer, George Gray revealed that Charles would be playing the "Five Price Tags" game for a brand new Kia sedan car. In the popular game, the contestant gets to see four small prizes with a price tag, one at a time. They must decide if the price tag shows the true retail value of the item or if it is a false price. With each correct guess, the contestant wins a smaller prize and a choice for the second part of the game. If the contestant gets all the guesses wrong, the game ends automatically. 

Screenshot showing the smaller prize for Charles' game
Screenshot showing the smaller prize for Charles' game (Image source: YouTube/Price Is Right/Triniswagg92 Beast Mode)

In the second part of the game, the contestant is shown five different price tags stacked up on a board, out of which only one carries the retail price of the car. The contestant then has to choose the correct price tag to win and they can keep guessing till they run out of the choices they earned in the first part. If they fail to get the 'Win' they walk away with only the smaller prizes and if they land on the correct price of the car, they win it all.

Screenshot showing the price tag board (Image source: YouTube/Price Is Right/Triniswagg92 Beast Mode)
Screenshot showing the price tag board (Image source: YouTube/Price Is Right/Triniswagg92 Beast Mode)

For Charles' game, he was shown, a chopper as the first item. When the prize was brought out, Carey struggled to identify what it was before channeling his inner Schwarzenegger to say the word "Chopper" in the actor's style. Carey then asked the player if the price shown was true or false, continuing his impression. He even struck a bodybuilding pose as the item was getting wheeled away. 

Screenshot showing Drew Carey immitating Arnold Schwarzenegger (Image source: YouTube/Price Is Right/Triniswagg92 Beast Mode)
Screenshot showing Drew Carey immitating Arnold Schwarzenegger (Image source: YouTube/Price Is Right/Triniswagg92 Beast Mode)

Charles got his first guess right and earned one choice. The second item displayed to the contestant was a hand-held massager with a price tag of $149. Charles guessed that the price was false but it turned out to be true. The third item that Charles got was an 'easy one', a flashlight with a price tag of $50. Charles guessed the price to be false and earned his second choice for the game. The third item was an electric razor which both Carey and the player happened to own. Despite it being familiar, Charles guessed its price incorrectly, earning only two choices for the price tag game.

In the second part of the game, Charles used his first choice to pick the $22,940 price tag. However, it turned out to be incorrect giving him only one more chance to win the car. Going big, the player chose the $24,145 price tag which turned out to be correct. As the player celebrated his victory, Carey once again channeled his inner "Terminator."


The host did the entire outro in the voice of the famed actor and said the tagline, "The Price Is Right will be back" in signature Schwarzenegger style.

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