'Price is Right' contestant wins a car after playing one of the toughest games — even Drew was stunned

Like most game shows, "The Price is Right" is more about luck but also involves application of skill. Contestants need the most of both while playing games that appear to be impossible to win. One such game is called "Lucky $even," and as the name suggests one needs quite some luck to win. However, that wasn't a problem for a player named Veonn, who seemed to have plenty of it in store.

Hardcore fans of Price is Right know just how many people have lost out playing 'Lucky $even'. In the game, a contestant has a chance to win a brand-new car by guessing all of the digits of its price correctly, but there is a catch.
Before guessing, the players are given the first digit of the price and seven $1 bills. They then have to guess the remaining digits and the goal is to get the closest to the actual number. If the guess doesn't match the number, then the player has to pay the difference amount in dollars to the host. For instance, if they guess 5 and the correct digit is 3, the player gives $2 to the host.

If the player runs out of the entire seven dollars, the game ends automatically. However, if they are left with at least $1 after guessing the last digit right, they get to buy the car with the money. Veonn who drove up all the way from Irvine California, had a chance to win a brand new Kia Seltos SUV. Taking on the game, host Drew Carey explained the rules of the game to her and revealed the first digit, which was 2.
After some thinking, the player guessed 7 as the second digit in the price, and it turned out to be the exact same as the actual digit. “There you go, see how easy? Child’s play,” Carey said, lauding the player.

For her second guess, Veonn turned to the audience for suggestions. She then turned to Carey and guessed '4' which, again, was correct. “I don’t know how to respond to that,” Veonna said as Carey’s jaw dropped. The host encouraged her to keep up the great performance.

For the third digit, Veonn guessed '5' but she turned out to be wrong, and had to pay $3 to Carey, from her stash of seven. This left her with a $4 for her final guess. For the final digit, she guessed '5'. “You’re covered from anywhere from 8 down to 2. No 9s, no 1s, no 0s," Carey said before revealing the answer.
The final digit was then revealed to be '8,' which meant that Veonn had just made it with $1 in her hand. “Just made it!” Carey exclaimed. Veonn then went over to check out her new car while celebrating the big win.
Viewers were astonished to see just how lucky Veonn was in the game. "When she got the first 2 numbers right I couldn’t sit down 🤣," @vanessahall8232 commented on the show's Instagram post. "She nailed a tough price!!! Congrats!!!," @pgcontinuingjourney added.