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'Price is Right' contestant plays it safe only to realize she missed out on a Porsche in painful TV moment

The player got "tempted" in one of the trickiest games and chose to take the "sure thing."
Screenshots showing the contestant's reaction after losing the car (Cover image source: YouTube | Price Is Right)
Screenshots showing the contestant's reaction after losing the car (Cover image source: YouTube | Price Is Right)

Grand prizes to mark special milestones on "The Price is Right" are exciting surprises for fans and contestants, who already arrive with hopes of going back with life-changing rewards. One of the most popular events of the show is the 'Dream Car Week,' when contestants get a chance to win luxury cars on the show. While most contestants risk it all for the big prize, some play it safe. That's what Josephine did, and she painfully lost out on winning a brand new Porsche.

Screenshot showing the prize alongside the show's model
Screenshot showing the prize alongside the show's model (Image source: YouTube/Price Is Right)

Once Josephine was on the stage, Carey told her to pretend as if it was her birthday and the show had a big gift for her, before revealing that it was a Porsche 911 Carrera. To win the car, Josephine had to ace one of the trickiest games on the show called "Temptation."

Screenshot showing the contestant's reaction after the prize was revealed
Screenshot showing the contestant's reaction after the prize was revealed (Image source: YouTube/Price Is Right)

In the game, the contestant gets to see the first digit in the price of the car and four smaller prizes called 'gifts', one at a time. Each of the items carries a price tag, and only one digit of their price is the next digit in the price of the car. The player must guess which is the correct digit and place it on the board one by one.

Screenshot showing the entire set up of the game
Screenshot showing the entire set up of the game (Image source: YouTube/Price Is Right)

To make things easier, each price tag has only two unique digits, giving the player a 50/50 chance of getting it right. Once the contestant selects all the digits, they are given one last opportunity to change any of the digits that they want to. Once the numbers are done, the 'temptation" part of the game begins. The player can then see the total value of the four gifts and is given the choice to either take the gifts and quit or risk it all to see if their guess for the price of the car is correct. If they choose to risk it, they need all the digits to be right to win the car, or else they lose everything.

Screenshot showing the set up for the game
Screenshot showing the game board (Image source: YouTube/Price Is Right)

Her final guess for the price of the Porsche was $92,745, and she didn't change any of the digits in the end. Josephine then got to the tricky part of the game when Carey told her that she had almost $4,000 worth of prizes that she could take home if she gave up the car. "You came here with nothing right? So, you can just take the prizes and sit down," Carey said. He explained to her that if she played for the car and won, she would get all the prizes along with it.

Josephine turned to the audience for suggestions, and most of them appeared to be cheering her on to take the risk. Surprisingly, she chose to take the prizes instead of the car. "Drew I have been watching the show for years and years. I would love to go for the car but I am going to take a sure thing," she said.

Screenshots showing the contestant explaining her decision and Carey's reaction
Screenshots showing the contestant explaining her decision and Carey's reaction (Image source: YouTube/Price Is Right)

The host then revealed each digit one by one to see if they matched the player's guess. One after another, the digits guessed by her turned out to be correct, and in the end, it was revealed that her guesses were bang on. "She would have won a car but now she is sorry," Carey remarked.


The player seemed utterly disappointed and nearly broke down, while Carey told the audience that she got tempted and lost it all.

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