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'Celebrity Family Feud' host Steve Harvey starts blushing after Megan Thee Stallion's wild answer

The three-time Grammy winner impressed the fans and the host with her witty answers.
Screenshot showing Steve Harvey and Megan Thee Stallion on Family Feud (Cover image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
Screenshot showing Steve Harvey and Megan Thee Stallion on Family Feud (Cover image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

As the name suggests, "Family Feud" is a family show, but things often get racy with some NSFW questions with equally raunchy answers, and Steve Harvey's reactions. But things were on another level on "Celebrity Family Feud" when Megan Thee Stallion was on the show. As usual, host Steve Harvey threw a tricky question at the star who had an equally engaging response. 


The three-time Grammy-winning rapper participated in the special edition of the show along with her team. They were playing for the AVDA, a charity that helps survivors of domestic violence. Stallion's team went up against fellow Grammy winner Ne-Yo's team. In Megan's team were her manager Travis Farris and her best friends Jaela Mitchell, Kellon Williams, and Bryon Javar.

Ne-Yo's team featured his mother Lorraine Smith, his sister Nicole Smith, his brother Jayvon Smith, and Jayvon's wife Antonia Soobyia. They were playing for the charity Friendship Place which gives support to the homeless. Harvey introduced Megan by complimenting her and sharing how his wife and her daughters love her music. "Oh, my god, we made it to Family Feud!" Megan also remarked.

Screenshot showing Harvey and Megan on stage (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
Screenshot showing Harvey and Megan on stage (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

She and Ne-Yo were the very first players to face off at the podium. The first survey question was "Name something you have done to your mate's feet." Megan answered with "Massage which turned out to be the number one response in the survey. The star then chose to play the round and her team ended up winning the round.

In fact, Megan's team went on to win the majority of the games to ace the show. Thus, they proceeded to the Fast Money round which offers the winning team a chance to win an additional $25,000. Megan and Byron were nominated by the team to play the game that required two players to answer survey questions and collect a total of 200 points to win.

Screenshot showing Megan Thee Stallion answering questions (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
Screenshot showing Megan Thee Stallion answering questions (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

She went on to crush a few more questions until an interesting one appeared. "Name something that might be curvy," Harvey asked. The question was normal as per the show's standards, but Megan had an unusual answer. 

"Me," Megan said. Harvey loved the answer and started applauding the star. Megan then turned to the audience and struck a pose to show off her curves. 

Screenshot showing Steve Harvey and Megan Thee Stallion on Family Feud (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
Screenshot showing Megan Thee Stallion striking a pose (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

When the time came to find out how many points Megan fetched, it turned out that her answer "Me" bagged a whopping 48 points. In the end, she got 125 points for her team and when Byron took the stage, he too mentioned Megan as the answer to the survey question. While he had to change his answer, he still managed to reach 200 points winning the team $25,000 more to give to charity.

Screenshot of a comment praising Megan's answer (Image source: YouTube/@Rubykiller-hl4gk)
Screenshot of a comment praising Megan's answer (Image source: YouTube/@Rubykiller-hl4gk)

Much like Harvey, viewers on YouTube were also amused by the musician's reaction."The fact that “me” is the #1 answer to that question is CRAZY," @andrewp.stewart4585 wrote


But Harvey's reaction was the funniest thing for some. "The way Steve clapped and the survey gave the points for"Me" killed me," @darwain1 remarked. "When Steve said "I don't know why I clapped", he was talking to Marjorie hahahaha!" @MarieAdventure added.

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