CSX Corp
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Company & Industry OverviewsHow Does the Market Value Major US Railroads?
The EV-to-forward EBITDA ratio denotes how a railroad is valued for each dollar of EBITDA that it’s anticipated to earn. Company & Industry OverviewsWhat Is FedEx’s Business Model?
FedEx provides a portfolio of transportation, e-commerce, and business services through wholly owned subsidiaries. Company & Industry OverviewsAssessing Canadian National through Porter’s Five Forces
In this part, we’ll do a Porter’s Five Forces check for Canadian National (CNI). The threat of new entrants is relatively low for CNI. The railroad industry is extensively capital intensive, with maintenance capital spending accounting for the highest share. Earnings ReportPorter’s 5 Forces: KSU’s Position in the US Freight Rail Industry
Competition with other railroads and other modes of transportation is subject to service rates, routes, service reliability, and quality. KSU faces the stiffest competition among the Class I railroads due to its relatively small size. Company & Industry OverviewsUnion Pacific’s Chemical Freight Revenues: An Anticipated Mixed Bag in 2016
Union Pacific’s chemical freight carloads were down by 4% in 4Q15 compared to 4Q14. Petroleum products carloads were down by 18% during the same period. Company & Industry OverviewsNorfolk Southern: A Class I Railroad Carrier
Norfolk Southern Corporation operates ~20,000 route miles in 22 states and the District of Columbia. The company mainly transports coal and general merchandise. Earnings ReportArch Coal’s Appalachian Shipments Remain under Pressure in 2Q15
In 2Q15, Arch Coal’s (ACI) Appalachia segment shipped 3.1 million tons of coal, down from 3.7 million tons in 2Q14, but up from 1Q15’s 3.0 million. Company & Industry OverviewsTypes of Courier Services and Service Providers
Standard courier services involve collecting the parcels, sorting the parcels, and transferring the parcels to the closest depot to the delivery location. Company & Industry OverviewsA look into J.B. Hunt’s Intermodal segment
J.B. Hunt’s (JBHT) Intermodal segment is the leader in the industry. The segment has transportation service agreements with most North American rail carriers. Company & Industry OverviewsA quick look at SunCoke Energy’s US operations
SunCoke Energy (SXC) is the largest independent manufacturer of coke, which is used in steelmaking. It runs five coke making plants in the United States.