Own Any of These VHS Tapes? They May Be Worth a Fortune
While many were quick to trash or donate their old VHS tapes, others held onto them, and now they're worth a lot of money. Here's which VHS tapes are worth money.

June 10 2022, Published 2:43 p.m. ET

Before TikTok, YouTube, and reality TV shows, people mainly relied on cable TV and VHS tapes for entertainment. While many were quick to trash or donate their old VHS tapes after new forms of technology emerged, others held onto what would one day become a token of history (and possibly a way to earn a substantial amount of money).
Although most of the VHS tapes that were released might only sell for pennies today, there are a handful that have become collectors gems. Here’s a look at some of the VHS tapes that are now worth money.
Many of Disney’s Black Diamond VHS tapes are selling for thousands.
While we can’t say for certain you’ll collect the same profit as these eBay sellers did after they sold a Disney Black Diamond VHS tape, it’s certainly worth checking into. After going through some of the more recently completed eBay listings, we discovered which Disney VHS tapes were selling for a large amount of money.
Disney’s 'Beauty and the Beast' (1991) Black Diamond VHS-Tape No. 1325
Both new and pre-owned versions of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast Black Diamond collection VHS tapes recently sold on eBay for between $9,000 and $10,000.
Disney’s '101 Dalmatians' (1996) Black Diamond edition
If you own a copy of the Disney classic, 101 Dalmatians that was released in 1996, you might want to get it appraised as one copy of it recently sold on eBay for $4,000.
Like-new 'Aladdin' (1992) Black Diamond VHS
A like-new copy of Disney's Aladdin recently sold on eBay for just under $11,000.
Disney VHS tapes aren't the only one's that have grown in value over the years.
While there are plenty of Disney VHS tapes selling on eBay for hundreds and even thousands of dollars, there are plenty of other valuable VHS tapes worth money today. Here's a look at a few more.
'Fourways Farm' Rare VHS
Fourways Farm was released in the U.K. by The Video Collection in September 1994. The VHS was then re-released by VCI and Kid's Club in December 1997. Although the VHS might not seem valuable, a copy of it recently sold for $5,267.22, following a bidding war on eBay.
'Fight Club' (2000) VHS listed with the following description - IGS BOX 9.0 - SEAL 9.5 (MINT/GEM)
While some copies of Fight Club are selling for as little as $3, others are listed on eBay for several hundred dollars. One completed listing revealed that someone paid $3,750 for a mint condition Fight Club VHS tape.
'The Terminator' VHS Sealed HBO Video (1984)
A copy of The Terminator (HBO Video VHS 1984) featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger recently sold following a bidding war for $3,494.44.
Have any of the above-mentioned VHS tapes in your possession?
If you own any of the above-mentioned VHS tapes, remember to do your research before attempting to sell it. While eBay has become one of the more popular sites to sell valuable collectors items, selling on the platform carries some risk.
Therefore, you might consider taking your item to a local antique shop to get appraised first or contact eBay directly for help with safely selling your item.