Pfizer CEO Wasn't Arrested by the FBI—How the Rumor Started
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla wasn't arrested by FBI agents and he isn't facing criminal charges. How did the rumors start?
Nov. 10 2021, Published 11:55 a.m. ET

The internet has a way of taking things and blowing them out of proportion. It also has a way of gathering bits and pieces of information and using it to create a false story that sometimes spreads like wildfire. That appears to be the case with the story surrounding the arrest of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.
What claims are being made about Pfizer’s CEO and how did the rumor of his arrest start?
A “news source” based in Canada falsely reported that Pfizer’s CEO was arrested.

The internet has been buzzing with talk about the arrest of Pfizer’s CEO. Trouble is, that news is false. It started with an article that was published on The Conservative Beaver. The article has been shared across the internet several times and garnered 116 comments and counting. The Conservative Beaver says that it's run by a small team of volunteers in Canada and is self-funded.
The article surrounding Bourla’s alleged arrest was published on Nov. 5. The author stated that Bourla had been arrested by FBI agents at his home near Scarsdale, N.Y. He was allegedly being held in police custody while awaiting his bail hearing.
The source reported that Bourla has been charged with fraud for “his role in deceiving customers on the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine.” The article also said that Pfizer had been accused of “falsifying data and paying out large bribes.”
The Conservative Beaver published the article the same day that Pfizer announced its COVID-19 oral antiviral medication is 89 percent effective at reducing hospitalization or death for those who contract the virus.
Meanwhile, the Associated Press learned from a Pfizer spokesperson that the claims made in the article weren't valid and that Bourla hadn't been arrested. In fact, Bourla appeared for an interview with CNBC on Nov. 5, the same day that he was allegedly arrested to discuss the progress Pfizer has made with its COVID-19 pill.
Bourla also posted on Twitter several times over the last few days expressing his gratitude for the advancements Pfizer has made. Bourla’s name didn't appear on any inmate rosters or in any federal court records in relation to the alleged crimes the source says he committed.
Source falsely reports wife of Pfizer CEO passed away due to COVID-19 vaccine complications

Although Pfizer’s CEO wasn't arrested and he isn't facing criminal charges, the spread of baseless news continues. In addition to falsely reporting that Bourla had been arrested by FBI agents for fraud, The Conservative Beaver also reported in an article published on Nov. 10 that Bourla’s wife had passed away from complications related to the COVID-19 vaccine.
In the article, the author stated that Bourla’s wife, Myriam Bourla, passed away in the emergency room at New York-Presbyterian Lawrence Hospital. The source falsely claims the cause of death was listed as “complications from the Pfizer vaccine.”
The author added that Mrs. Bourla was skeptical of the COVID-19 vaccine and initially refused to take it. Although Myriam Bourla has little interaction with the internet, there isn't any evidence or support that suggests she has passed away.
Pfizer CEO says those who spread inaccurate information regarding COVID-19 vaccines are “criminals”
During an interview with the Atlantic Council, Bourla referred to the people who are misinforming the public with COVID-19-related fake news as “criminals.” Bourla said, “They’re not bad people. They’re criminals because they have literally cost millions of lives.”