If You Haven't Heard Back From an Employer After Applying, Try These Tips
You applied for a job you’re eager to secure but haven’t heard back from the employer or recruiter. So, what should you do? Here are a few tips.

Jan. 19 2023, Updated 4:10 p.m. ET

A man is seen in an interview while meeting with an employer.
You applied for a job you’re eager to secure but haven’t heard back from the employer or recruiter. So, what should you do? Like most people, you’re probably feeling a little anxious which may have triggered some other unsettling feelings. While you don’t want to overstep any boundaries or violate an unwritten rule, there are some things you can do to check the status of your application.
If you’re tired of sitting around and waiting for a reply from a potential employer, consider these expert tips we’ve rounded up that may be helpful during this time.
10 tips on what to do if an employer doesn't reach out after applying.

Whether you’re still in the initial stages of getting hired or have made it to the second round of interviewing (kudos to you), the tips you’ll find below may allow you to get in touch with the employer without jeopardizing your chances of getting hired.
1. Send a follow-up email or message on LinkedIn
Susan Peppercorn, who is a career strategist and contributor to Harvard Business Review, says you can send a follow-up email if you have the hiring manager’s email address or LinkedIn contact info to “reaffirm your strong interest in and fit for the job.” If you haven’t yet interviewed for the position, Peppercorn says this might be a good time to mention that “you welcome the opportunity to meet.”
2. Consider reapplying with an updated resume
If it has been a while since you’ve heard anything after applying, you might consider tweaking your resume. Peppercorn says large companies often use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) that scans resumes for certain keywords. Perhaps you might revise your resume to ensure it includes keywords that focus on the responsibilities in the job listing.

3. Reach out to people in your network that work at the company you applied for
If you happen to know someone who works for the company you applied for, see if they’d be willing to share with you the name of the hiring manager or speak with them directly regarding your application. Peppercorn suggests reaching out to the hiring manager within a week or two after submitting your application.
4. Continue building your professional and social networks
While you wait to hear back from an employer, work on building your professional connections. According to Indeed, you can do this by attending local networking events and joining digital communities. It also wouldn’t hurt to start following the companies you're passionate about working for on social media.

5. Continue job hunting
Since your application is still in limbo, it would be wise to continue with the job hunt while you wait. As the saying goes, never put all of your eggs in one basket. Rather than let weeks pass by waiting to hear back from an employer, keep applying for jobs until the right one comes along.
6. Revisit the job posting
Sometimes, employers will include information regarding following up after applying within the job post. You might also find the hiring manager’s contact information there as well so that you can send a follow-up email.
7. Try this viral job hunting “hack” shared on TikTok
A TikToker went viral after sharing a “hack” she uses when she doesn’t hear back from the hiring manager. In the video uploaded by @vioticcc, the job hunter wrote the caption “Calling the job I want and saying I received a missed call from this number regarding a job application that I filled out.”
While this isn’t guaranteed to put you in direct contact with the hiring manager, it could put your application at the forefront and serve as an opportunity to discuss the role.
8. Show up for an interview that wasn’t actually scheduled
The viral video mentioned above generated hundreds of comments, some of which offered additional tips on what to do if an employer doesn’t follow up. One person suggested walking into the company or business and saying you had an interview, though one was never scheduled. It’s a hit-or-miss tactic but some believe it's worth trying.
9. Update your resume
Your resume is a working document that should be updated as progress is made. If you don’t hear back from a few jobs you applied for, you might consider revising your resume or hiring a professional who can help you better convey your experience and skills on paper.
10. Get in contact with the head of the department you applied for
If you can’t get in touch with the hiring manager or HR, perhaps there's a way to connect with the head of the department you applied for. You’d be surprised how much information is shared via sites like LinkedIn that can put you in touch with the right person.
Before you take the leap and try one of the tips mentioned above, be sure to assess your situation to ensure it's a suitable option.