How Do You Verify Everything on a Resume? Blockchain, May Have a Fix
With Web3 and decentralized applications in constant development, there are many new job opportunities on the horizon. Blockchain resumes are a way for future employers to verify experience and engagement in the space.

July 16 2021, Published 12:00 p.m. ET

Employers rely on resumes to see whether a candidate’s experience aligns with the job description. However, the validity of that work history is not easily verified without calling references. What if employers could verify everything on a resume without having to vet a candidate or take their word for it? Blockchain resumes are a way for future employers to verify experience in the crypto space.
With the developments of web3 and decentralized applications (dApps), the future of work is headed on the blockchain. Blockchain is a publicly distributed ledger that displays a list of blocks using cryptography. Every block on the chain contains what is called a cryptographic hash which is an algorithm that verifies the authenticity of data. Each block contains information about the block previous to it.This then forms a chain with each additional block reinforcing the ones before it.
Each block also contains a timestamp and transaction data that proves the data existed when the block was published. Unlike a traditional resume where one can alter and modify as they see fit, blockchains are resistant to modifications once they are recorded.
How does blockchain promote the future of work?
Security is considered and built into every layer of blockchain technology. With the rise of decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTS), and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), the web3 movement could potentially be unlocking great economic potential and job opportunities. Leading the way, the Ethereum network is at the center of making all this possible.
The pandemic accelerated the extent to which we use and rely on technology. Therefore, assuming a demand for more digital applications is not far-fetched. In fact, many have been preparing for a future where work is completely digital. With the increasing value of this technology comes greater demand for talent and labor to continue its development.
Building an on-chain resume is proof of participation and experience.
Traditional resumes require an employer to trust a candidate has been truthful about their experience. However, every transaction on the blockchain is recorded and can be traced, verified, and confirmed. This is because blockchains are typically managed by a peer-to-peer network for use as a publicly distributed ledger.

Unlike a written resume, in the crypto economy, your ethereum address verifies your experience without having to confirm it with a third party. Those who are growing interest in the space are now building their resumes on the blockchain to demonstrate their engagement in web3 protocols. Since web3 is decentralized, there are many ways one can participate in protocols that vary in difficulty. The simplest being: trading on Uniswap, opening a Maker Vault, lending on Aave, or even minting NFTs.

Essentially, blockchain resumes are built similarly to traditional resumes— through experience. However, a resume built on the blockchain cannot be altered or modified, only confirmed and verified. While this brings some tension regarding privacy being that it is entirely public, those who are curious should heavily consider which protocols they want to engage in and highlight.