This Tech CEO Just Revealed 4 Signs That You’re About to be Fired
If you ever wanted to know what the signs were that indicate you are going to be fired, tech CEO Theresa Sue Mubenga revealed on TikTok a few. Check them out here.

Oct. 18 2022, Published 5:14 p.m. ET

Job security (and a decent salary) is one of the things that gives people peace of mind in terms of their financial stability. With a steady paycheck coming in, they are able to budget accordingly and (hopefully) buy the essential items they need.
Unfortunately, not all jobs last, whether it’s due to downsizing or a decreased budget, and it's good to know when a job is hanging by its last thread.
TikTok user Theresa Sue Mubenga (@resasue) likely agrees which is why she posted a video that reveals several signs that signal you’re about to be fired. Want to know what they are? You’ll have to keep reading!
How to tell you’re about to be fired, from an experienced corporate America worker’s perspective.

In Mubenga’s TikTok video, which has garnered over 333k views already, she discloses a few ways to tell when you’re about “to be canned” from your job. Mubenga says she’s worked for corporate America for nine years and now owns and runs her own tech company.
Given her tenure in the industry, it’s no surprise Mubenga was able to pick up on the signs that indicate you’re about to be fired.
Here are the signs she shared.
1. Your boss asks you to start documenting your work.
Mubenga says that when your boss or employer requests you to upload what you’ve been working on or create a log that outlines this information, it’s a red flag.
2. You are no longer included in emails or asked to attend meetings.
If a meeting is being held and you should have been a part of it but were never notified, it may have been done intentionally. Mubenga says that a common sign that you’re about to be let go is being excluded from emails and meetings.
3. “People begin acting sly toward you,” including your boss.
When you begin to notice a shift in your co-workers’ attitudes (and not in a positive way), Mubenga says this is yet another sign your time at your place of employment might be coming to an end. The TikTok user, who also refers to herself as the “corporate truthbringer,” says “you’ll understand the energy shift,” especially if it comes from your boss.
4. The tell-tale sign that you’re about to be fired is when you’re put on a performance improvement plan (PIP).
TikTok user @resasue says that once you’re put on a PIP, “don’t even try to save your soul, they are trying to get rid of you.” She says that she’s had to fire people in the past, “and the PIP is the way to go legally.”
To clarify, a PIP is a tool that is often used to help an employee who is lacking in certain areas.
If you work in corporate America and know you’re about to be fired, consider these tips.
In addition to sharing signs that signal you’re about to be fired, Mubenga also provided a few tips to consider if you know your employer is about to let you go. Here’s what she suggests:
- Avoid trusting anyone at work.
- Locate your performance reviews and put them in a safe place for your records.
- Pull your personal files and keep the information handy.
- Avoid conducting a job search at your current place of employment. If you didn’t know, employers can access the information you search on your work devices.
In the event that you are let go from your job, be sure to read through your contract to ensure your employer followed through on their end of the bargain.
For instance, if your contract stipulates you are entitled to receive severance pay should you be let go, be sure to bring this to your employer’s attention before your departure.