Who Has Higher Dividend Yields: RDS.A, XOM, CVX, or BP?
Shell has the highest dividend yield of 7.1% among the integrated energy stocks we’re covering in this series.

May 10 2017, Updated 5:05 p.m. ET

Dividend yield comparison
ExxonMobil (XOM), Chevron (CVX), Royal Dutch Shell (RDS.A), and BP (BP) have consistently given returns to shareholders in the form of dividends. So we’ve evaluated the dividend yields of these integrated energy companies. The yield is calculated as a ratio of the annualized dividends to the price of the stock.
Shell has the highest dividend yield
Shell has the highest dividend yield of 7.1% among the integrated energy stocks we’re covering in this series. The second highest is BP with a 7.0% yield. Next in line is Chevron (CVX) with a 4.1% yield. ExxonMobil (XOM) has the lowest yield among our four stocks, at 3.8%.
For exposure to high dividend stocks, you can consider the iShares Core High Dividend (HDV). The ETF has a ~16.0% exposure to energy sector stocks, including XOM and CVX.
In the next part of this series, we’ll do a cross-sectional analysis of integrated energy stocks’ forward valuations.