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Company & Industry OverviewsThe major sub-industries of the global power equipment industry
The power generation equipment industry is made up of various sub-industries, each with a structure of its own. MiscellaneousWhat’s the Rationale behind GE’s Proposed Acquisition?
In this article, we’ll go through the rationale behind GE’s planned acquisition of LM Wind Power. According to the GWEC, worldwide wind capacity is expected to nearly double in the next five years. Earnings ReportThe Brass Tacks of the Ingersoll Rand-Hussmann Deal
Ingersoll Rand has agreed to sell its remaining equity interest of 40% in Hussmann to Panasonic. Panasonic will buy 100% shares according to the agreement. Company & Industry OverviewsUnderstanding the structure of the global power sector
While the power sector differs country by country, the operational structure of the sector across the world is pretty much the same.