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If you see a folded dollar bill on ground, don't pick it up as authorities say it could be 'dangerous'

A woman claimed that she had a near-fatal reaction simply by touching one of the bills.
Representational image showing a man picking up currency notes from the ground | (Image source: Getty Images/ Creatives)
Representational image showing a man picking up currency notes from the ground | (Image source: Getty Images/ Creatives)

It's natural for people to consider themselves fortunate if they come across cash lying around in unexpected places such as the street, a park, or their backyard. However, authorities issued a warning last year warning people against picking up random folded bills, as it can prove to be deadly. The warnings from multiple sheriff’s offices stated that residents found white powder in folded bills which tested positive for substances such as methamphetamine and fentanyl. The latter is particularly dangerous as one woman claimed that she was hospitalized after coming in contact with the drug.

Fentanyl pill bottle, conceptual image (Image source: stock photo/Getty Images)
Fentanyl pill bottle, conceptual image (Image source: stock photo/Getty Images)

Dollar Bills Laced With Drugs

Last year, authorities in Tennessee warned residents not to pick up discarded folded dollar bills over fears of fentanyl contamination. The Perry County Sheriff's Office reported two incidents where "a white powdery substance" was found inside folded bills found on the floor of a local gas station. 


A message was also shared by the Giles County Sheriff’s Office, urging parents to not let their children touch folded money. “Please share and educate your children to not pick up any folded money they may find in or around businesses, playgrounds, etc.," the separate Facebook post read. 

A photo was also published alongside the message that showed a tiny quantity of powder. The officials warned that even a small dose could kill anyone if they come into contact with it. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 100 times stronger than morphine and 50 times stronger than heroin, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 


Sounding the Alarm

Fentanyl is a strong opioid painkiller that is only available on prescription. While it is used to treat severe pain, criminals mix powdered fentanyl with heroin, methamphetamine, and other drugs.

Back in 2022, a Kentucky woman claimed she was hospitalized after coming in contact with the drug. The woman said she picked up a drug-laced dollar bill which caused a near-fatal reaction, WSMV4 reported


However, medical experts doubt that an overdose could happen just from touching the substance. “You cannot overdose by touching any drugs even fentanyl or carfentanil,” University Hospitals‘ toxicologist, Dr Ryan Marino told Fox8.

The Washington State Department of Health also noted that there are no confirmed cases of overdose caused by touching fentanyl powder or pills.


This is because human skin acts as a good barrier and fentanyl can only be absorbed if it stays in constant direct contact for several hours and days. However, skin absorption increases if the drug is mixed with alcohol-based hand sanitizers, bleach, or sweat.

Furthermore, skin absorption can be dangerous if it goes unnoticed. Therefore, if anyone suspects possible fentanyl contamination, they should avoid touching any impacted item or the substance directly.


Children should be advised and supervised as they are vulnerable to the drug and might touch it or put contaminated items in their mouths. The Department of Health advises people against handling any suspicious items or trying to clean up the area by themselves. Such items should be reported to the local police department or a facility manager who can handle the situation better.

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