Elderly 'Price is Right' contestant was facing a tough game — then a famous actor showed up for her

'The Price is Right' is no less than a Hollywood blockbuster among TV game shows and it's no surprise that stars often make an appearance to make things interesting. One of the most loved games of the show is called Cliff Hanger which often offers exotic trips as a prize. However, for one contestant named Linda, the deal was further sweetened as she got to meet actor Manu Bennett, who was there to promote his own show.

In the episode from 2024, host Drew Carey called on Linda from South Carolina down to the stage to play Cliff Hangers. The game features three prizes and an animated mountain climber called the Yodel Guy who climbs up a numbered cliff. The contestants have to guess the price of each item and every time they are wrong, the climber goes up the equal amount of steps by which they are off the actual price.

This means, that if the contestant guesses $20 and the price of the item is $18, the climber will go up two steps. The goal is to prevent the climber from going over the cliff, to win the game. For Linda's game, the show's announcer revealed that a special guest would present the prize to her. To promote CBS’ new series "The Summit", the host of the show, Bennett was on stage to introduce a trip for two to New Zealand, as the prize for Linda. The 14-day tour was worth a whopping $34,256. The trip starting in Auckland featured several activities based on the player's interest.

Introducing Bennett to the audience, Carey asked how he was doing as a guest presenter. Bennett said he was doing great and talked a bit about his show which is also set in New Zealand. “Yeah, great, perfect, I can’t wait to see the show," Carey said in response. After this the game kicked off and looking at the first item, Linda guessed $25 as its price. However, the item was worth $18, so the Yodel guy climbed up seven steps. Linda's second guess was the same as her first and it also was off by seven dollars. As she went on to guess the price of the final item, the Yodel guy had climbed 14 steps and only 11 steps were left.

Linda went on to guess that the price of the hand warmers was $40 but she was wrong again. However, this time the Yodel guy only climbed three steps as the price of the item was $43. Linda jumped in the air as she had just won a trip to New Zealand. She then rushed toward the celebrity guest and gave Bennett a big hug.
While the audience in the studio cheered for Linda, viewers at home also appreciated the warm moment on the show. “If I was playing “Most Expensive”, I’d picked Cape Cod for the most expensive trip, I knew it was not Oregon or Colorado. And it was very surprising the trip to New Zealand was $34K like holy cow!” a user commented.